Nicole Kelner

Going Full-Time On Making Art


Episode Notes (by minute):

-1:45: What Nicole’s kelp climate art paining went viral on Twitter

-6:30: How Nicole decided to post her watercooler art every day on Twitter and Instagram in early 2022

-7:00: How Nicole realized that she could go full-time on making art and get paid to do it

-9:30: How Nicole encourages people on Twitter to reach out to me about what she should paint. “All of my clients slide into my DMs.”

-12:30: How Nicole initially decided to make art after not feeling super inspired at work

-17:00: How Nicole has approached her art as a business

-22:00: How Nicole got involved with climate-focused online communities and how they have helped her. She first got involved with My Climate Journey.

-24:30: Why collective action is important to make an impact on climate change

-27:30: How publicly sharing your progress online can lead to a lot of benefits

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)

Published Date: 8/25/22