Lawrence Yeo

The Arc of The Practical Creator


Episode Notes (by minute):

-1:30: How Lawrence initially started making music and beats as an avenue of expression

-3:00: How Lawrence was initially thinking about transitioning into music production full-time, and was thinking about as a hop instead of leap. You can read this blog post to learn more about that.

-5:00: Why it’s important to think about the potential of your creative endeavor. Is it sustainable? Can you make a living from it?

-11:00: How Lawrence got passionate about writing and noticed that he could sit down and write for long periods of time. And how Travel Is No Cure For The Mind was his first big post.

-16:00: An overview on his The Arc of the Practical Creator blog post. How you could view your day-job (if you have one) as a patron to your art

-24:00: The Three Stages of The Arc of the Practical Creator: 1) prioritize money; 2) endure The Great Plateau; and 3) Navigate the Creative Career

-30:00: Why having a Creative Career is about making some money with your art. And how a conversation with Lawrence’s wife unlocked his thinking around this

-34:00: Why being a Practical Creator is also about the mindset that you are a professional about your work

-37:00: Why having “agency” in your work or projects is key for a creative career

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)

Published Date: 6/16/22