Katie Hunt

Figure Out Your Superpower


Episode Notes (by minute):

-1:30 - What Katie’s first career was and what she thought she wanted to be after graduating college

-3:00 - “I think the smartest person in the room is always the person who realizes that they're not the smartest person in the room and they surround themselves by people that are doing amazing things.”

-4:30 - Katie’s advice for independent consultants as someone who has been one for 8+ years and also hires them at The Fund

-6:00 - How Katie found her sweet spot as an independent consultant for 8 years and working with 32 companies

-10:00 - Why Katie thinks the best consulting relationship is similar to a dating relationship, and why it is a great idea to pitch a project to start a relationship. Katie talks about the projects that she used to pitch and why

-14:00 - Why Katie co-founded The Fund and the importance of reinvesting into an ecosystem or community

-15:30 - How Katie started working with SHOWFIELDS

-20:00 - “I think you join a team. You don't join an idea.”

-21:00 - How SHOWFIELDS has been adopting to post-COVID world and the members on the team

-26:00 - The importance of showing curiosity in working with or connecting with interesting people. If you identify as a problem-solver, then try to present an answer to a potential problem for someone

-29:30 - Why it is a hard year and to be easy on yourself and to think about ways that you will be able to pitch yourself and the work you did during this time

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)