Johnny Hwin

Community Building, The Creative Journey, and Transitions


Episode Notes (by minute):

  • 1:30: How Johnny first found out about 57 through a Craigslist ad, and how Craigslist has changed Johnny’s life before too

  • 5:30: The communities that played an early influential role in Johnny’s life

  • 8:30: How Johnny realized the importance of adding a layer of intentionality when gathering people 

  • 9:00: “when you are explicit about why you want to gather and make that loud and clear, you attract people who share those same values as well. And over time, communities become emergent.”

  • 11:00: How the 57 community started, and then how it started to grow and operationalize 

  • 15:00: How Johnny has thought about identity, and how he used to get caught up in the external success of his prior band, Cathedrals

  • 17:00: How Johnny is focusing now on things he can control and his attitude and cultivating a sense of gratitude 

  • 22:00: How doing things that help other people can help yourself too

  • 25:00: How moving to NYC was a huge lesson in letting go 

  • 28:00: “So after going really wide, I think I found the thing I really want to go deep on.” 

  • 29:00: When Johnny lost his mother and what that was like for him, and what he learned from her

  • 36:00: How being stuck can lead to a profound moment of insight or a breakthrough 

    (Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)

Published Date: 10/12/23