Creating Life-Changing Content, Building A Community Business, and Working At A Fast-Growing Community Business

with Dulma Altan, Neil Yeoh, and Nikki D’Ambrosio


Episode Notes (by minute):

Dulma Altan on 100-day challenges, content creation, and overcoming fears:

  • Dulma shared her first experience of doing a 100-day challenge during COVID-19, despite feeling scared and uncomfortable with putting herself out there.

  • Dulma’s determination to maintain the streak led to an internal shift, making him feel more shameless and willing to share his experience with others.

  • Dulma’s 100-day TikTok challenge led to viral content, brand deals, and organic growth.

On TikTok creativity, challenges, and community building:

  • Dulma shared her experience with discipline and motivation, revealing a selective approach to applying discipline  

  • Dulma talked about the idea of “platform arbitrage” by posting a fresh and unique format on a social media platform 

Neil Yeoh on scaling a community business:

  • Four years into their business, Neil finally felt momentum building in their community.

  • Neil shared their journey of pivoting their business, identifying what wasn't working, and finding a new direction.

  • Neil and their team learned from their failures and used customer feedback to create a new product that resonated with their audience.

  • What Neil learned from Seth Godin 

  • How Neil has been digitizing more and more of their course curriculum 

On scaling a business and community, navigating challenges and risks, and maintaining transparency and self-trust.

  • Neil has a philosophy of transparency and self-awareness when navigating challenges in their business and community.

  • Neil finds comfort in knowing that even successful companies like Uber feel like a "house of cards" and that it's normal to feel uncertain about the future.

  • Neil shared how the organization's community members volunteered to create an emissions model, leading to increased signups.

How Nikki D’Ambrosio got involved with Reading Rhythms:

  • How Nikki first learned about Reading Rhythms from a Emily Chertow’s IG story post led to her becoming a host and eventually working with the community 

  • Nikki shared her natural evolution of her role from hosting book clubs to managing a team of hosts and writing a newsletter.

On creating a safe and enjoyable reading experience for a community through structure, hosts, and venue selection.

  • Nikki shared the evolution of reading parties from loose structure to more organized events with live musicians and theme words, and how they have experimented with different pricing models

  • How venue selection and overall experience is continuously improved based on feedback from the community

    (Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)

Published Date: 5/23/24