The Multi-Hyphen Life

Review of Emma Gannon’s book


Episode Notes (by minute):

-4:00 - “Being a multi multi hyphenate is about choosing and strategizing a plan of attack and having the freedom to take on multiple projects not being backed into a corner.”

-5:00 - 10 ways to lay your multi-hyphen foundation:

  1. Pinpoint Your Own Unique Blend

  2. Grow and Maintain a Micro-Audience

  3. Always Be in Beta Mode

  4. Embrace The Age of Personalization

  5. Be Your Own PR and Marketing Department

  6. You Don’t Have To Quit Your Day Job

  7. You’re a Multi-Hyphenate, Not a Multi-Tasker

  8. Act Micro, Think Macro

  9. Use Your Energy Wisely

  10. Don’t Do Stuff For Free

-15:00 - The Pros and Cons of The Multi-Hyphen Life

-18:30 - page 121: "being a successful multi-hyphenate relies on getting different kinds of work by being known to people who can give you that work"

-24:00 - Why we are at the center of our careers

-27:00 - The importance of improving my photos and branding

-28:00 - Two questions I am asking myself after this book: 1) what skills do I need to learn? 2) what is my career strategy?

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)