Anne-Laure Le Cunff

Building A Community While In School


Episode Notes (by minute):

-1:30: What is the generation effect and how it has had a big impact on Anne-Laure’s work 

-5:30: Why she decided to give herself a challenge to write 100 articles in 100 weekdays

-9:00: When and how she realized that she should launch a paid online community called Ness Labs

-14:00: “in order to learn and to have good creative output, you need to have quality input.”

-15:30: How Anne-Laure sees herself as a public student and aims to “learn in public” on social media and with her audience

-19:00: One common attribute of successful online creators (i.e. writers, podcasters, etc) is that they have consistently created work. And how there is a compounding effect that occurs when you do this.

-21:00: Why it’s hard to know what piece of content is going to go viral or really resonate with people

-30:00: The benefit of making a smoother career transition by starting a side project, instead abruptly quitting your job 

-33:00: How we could see ambition as a liminal space that you explore instead of a ladder that you climb 

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)

Published Date: 3/9/23