Inflection Moments

Short stories about moments that changed people’s lives. Episode 300 too.


Prior episodes with people who spoke on this episode:

Episode Notes

-Yash: how taking the altMBA was an inflection point because he met a lot of great people and it forced him to ask himself tough questions. And how prior inflection points have also been situations when people prodded him to do something he didn’t fully understand initially, but he trusted their opinion or suggestion 

-Jelena: how a conversation helped her realize that she had blind spots, and how pain has always been inflection point for her.

-Ankit: how a disagreement with a former boss actually helped them build a really strong relationship together after that 

-Diana: how deciding to go sober was an inflection point when she was new to living in New York City with few friends and no family there. After making this decision, a few weeks later, she started writing her book, As Beautiful as It Seems. 

-Jen: how she is currently in an inflection point with her business after deciding she is going to launch a new online component to it

Published Date: 12/28/23