Jonny Miller

Inner Work & Annual Reviews


Episode Notes (by minute):

- 1:30: what Jonny learned by doing his 2022 Annual Review: the benefit from being grounding in Colorado after being nomadic for 5+ years 

- 4:30: how relationships with others are unique vehicles for surfacing our own issues and a way to hopefully work through them together 

- 7:30: The benefit of sending quarterly email updates to 20-25 close friends and mentors

- 11:00: How Jonny thinks about inner work

- 13:00: How improving your capacity to take in and process emotions allows you to be able to have more aliveness during good times and range emotions 

- 15:00: How improving your inner narrative can help your emotional state and inner nervous system 

- 17:30: The two different types of breathwork: conscious control of the breath and transformational breathing, conscious, connected breathing

- 24:00: How serendipity on Twitter helped Jonny launch his new course, Nervous Mastery System. This course got popular and has provided Jonny with financial stability for the first time since freelancing for 5+ years. 

- 27:30: How Jonny is constantly running personal and professional experiments, and thinks its important to design your levers and determine your creative constraints ahead of the time when starting new projects. 

-31:00: How learning interception helps become more aware of our own inner state. Jonny wrote a blog post on this. 

- 33:00: How physiological based interventions can help shift your internal state. One way to do so is to breath in for four seconds, and then exhale for eight seconds 

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)

Published Date: 1/19/23